Sunday, May 9, 2010

Walking around Bowling Green

I had this whole itinerary in my mind for my parents. Where to eat, where to take them, etc. But that pretty much got thrown out the window and at first, I was a little disappointed because there were things I wanted to show them about my life down here. Then I realized, it's not the quantity of things we do and it's not taking them to all the tourist-y places around town. It's just being with them and experiencing my mom's ridiculous sayings and having good, honest conversations.

When I get visitors sometimes, I get so caught up into making their vacation worthwhile (in LA, this consisted of taking people to Hollywood, to the beach, to famous restaurants, etc). My philosophy is I want the money they spent on plane tickets or gas just to see me to be worth it to them. But with my parents, they didn't need the whirlwind tour and they didn't need to see Lost River Cave or the Corvette Museum or even Chaney's Dairy Barn, they just wanted to do what they wanted to do. And that was...cook for me...and (for my mom) shop at Forever 21 (which we don't have in Canada)...and buy me random things they deemed necessary for my survival (like a strainer and a giant spoon for soup). And you know, it was a lot more fun to do those things with them than to have a set itinerary.

In fact, we took a small stroll in BG's historic downtown, which is really small by the way, and in the process, almost crashed a wedding!

We were actually there when the priest/pastor said "I pronounce you husband and wife" and my parents joined in the clapping! I bet the people who were actually invited to the wedding were like, what are these random Chinese people doing? And then they probably thought, there are random Chinese people in BG??

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About Me

Originally from Canada. Transplanted to LA. Lived and worked in Kentucky, Toronto, now Kelowna and who knows where next! Let the adventures begin!