Tuesday, September 6, 2011

It's fun to be Canadian

I recently had a friend from LA come and visit and it was her first time to Canada. So obviously I had to make her trip up north epic and thus compiled a list of things that one had to do to get the full Canadian experience:
  • go to Tim Hortons and get a coffee and donut
  • eat a bag of ketchup chips
  • have poutine
  • try a Nanaimo Bar
And while we accomplished all of those, we also crossed a bunch of other things off our list as we explored Vancouver and then had a sweet time back in Kelowna:

Visit Japadog in Vancouver: this restaurant sells Japanese style hot dogs...so there is wasabi mayo you can put on top of your dog, fish flakes, seaweed...you would think this is weird but then again, people thought putting bacon in an ice cream sundae was weird and they were wrong!

Once first glance, these fries from Japadog look normal but don't be fooled! These are butter shoya (butter and soy sauce) fries and they were epic! Imagine a whole stick of butter in each fry and you can get the idea.

Our hot dogs! The one on the top is Okonomi which had the fish flakes on top and the one of the bottom is Terimayo which had seaweed and some other stuff on top. The dogs were nice and plump and the wasabi mayo gave them a kick! It was nice to have a salty hot dog. Usually hot dogs are layered in ketchup, which is super sweet.

Vancouver riot clean-up: while no Canadian is proud of what happened after the Stanley Cup, the words of encouragement for the city and words of condemnation for the Vancouver riots are definitely a step up. These were some boards put up outside on the stores that got trashed during the riots and as you can see, lots of Vancouverites want to set the record straight that the city is better than what happened that fateful night.

Hehehe, I just liked this storefront sign in Gastown in downtown Vancouver. Clever eh?

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About Me

Originally from Canada. Transplanted to LA. Lived and worked in Kentucky, Toronto, now Kelowna and who knows where next! Let the adventures begin!